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Local MQ Manager vs Remote MQ Manager - guaranteed Delivery

Posted: Thu May 07, 2020 8:08 am
by sivanandha
Datastage and Remote MQ does no guarantee message delivery. we could lose messages when the job fails/ server goes down. The message rollback works to some extent but that depends on MQ managers Sync Point.

So, IBM is selling us that installing a Local MQ Manager would solve this problem. I am looking for the Gurus here to share some insight on how that would guarantee message delivery during a failure.

Posted: Mon May 11, 2020 7:51 am
by eostic
It has been a very loooooonnnnnggggg time since I have had a chance to work with the various MQ APIs, but as I recall (at that time), ensured delivery required that you were co-resident with the queue manager so that you could establish a a connection that supported the required level of commit. Was that requirement lifted? Did MQ change its API since then? I have no idea, so I would suggest that you check with other MQ resources. As I recall, it was an MQ issue, not a DataStage issue, as DataStage is simply a regular MQ API client.
