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RCP and Shared Containers

Posted: Tue Feb 07, 2017 10:50 pm
by U
On our old system we have a job that passes some rows into a parallel Shared Container and relies on RCP to pass others in. Within the Shared Container various processing occurs, and every stage in the stream between Input and Output has RCP enabled on its output link.

Outside the Shared Container, fed from its output, there is a Transformer stage that names on its output all the columns that should have been passed through via RCP. However the Sequential File stage throws errors (Message Id IIS-DSEE-TFIP-00034) of the form "Error when checking operator: Could not field input field "FIELD_NAME".

Is RCP supposed to work across Shared Container boundaries? If so, what might preclude this from working.

We enabled OSH_PRINT_SCHEMAS but the fatal error is thrown before any schemas get reported to the log.

Thank you for your time.

Please note that "get a new version" as a response wastes both your time and ours; our new system is already running on version 11.5, but the application described here is not scheduled to be migrated for quite some time, and we need to get it working in version 8.5.

Posted: Wed Feb 08, 2017 6:41 am
by JRodriguez
If all settings for RCP are enable it should work just fine in share containers. The culprit of the issue might be how the columns that are passed to the shared container are generated. By example, if you are selecting records from a connector and you are applying a function to the fields then it won't pass the proper names to the share container

Select Rtrim(fieldName) from....

Normally the solution is to pass the column name clean without functions... In above query solution will be to add an alias

Select Rtrim( fieldName) fieldName from ...

If this is not the case try with a local container, that should get the schema generated, checks the schema and go from there


Posted: Wed Feb 08, 2017 7:53 am
by Mike
I use RCP within shared containers frequently.

I have noticed an inconsistent bug in version 11.3 that results in an error like what you are seeing.

When the bug occurs it has always been when the first stage inside the shared container was a transformer stage. But sometimes they work fine with the transformer as a first stage so there is something more subtle going on with the bug.

When it occurs I've been able to workaround it by using a copy or modify stage as the first stage inside the shared container.
