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Invalid character(s) ([xFD]) found converting string issue

Posted: Tue Nov 26, 2013 2:51 am
by G.K.K
Hi All,

I am using the UNIDATA DB in the server container and it is called in the parllel job in 7.5. When I import this job with servercontainer in 9.1 then it is thowing below warning even after setting the UNIDATA DB stage NLS tab to NONE. Can some please help us in resolving this.


Code: Select all

Invalid character(s) ([xFD]) found converting string (code point(s)):    from codepage UTF-8 to Unicode, substituting. 
Note: The other jobs success after changing UNIDATA DB stage NLS tab to NONE in 9.1 except for the above mentioned issue.

Thanks in Advance

Posted: Tue Nov 26, 2013 3:43 am
by ray.wurlod
This should not be happening. [xFD] is a UniData value mark; it should be able to be handled correctly. Check with your official support provider.

Posted: Mon Dec 02, 2013 2:02 am
by G.K.K
Thanks Ray for your reply...

Now I am facing for two parallel jobs using the UNIDATA DB in the server container with the below errors. Can you please let me know the reason behind this warning and how to resolve these.

Code: Select all

1. Invalid character(s) ([xBD]) found converting string (code point(s):  from codepage UTF-8 to Unicode, substituting.

2.Invalid character(s) ([xFC]) found converting string (code point(s):  from codepage UTF-8 to Unicode, substituting.
Thanks In Advance.