Dynamic RDBMS Bulk Load problem

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Dynamic RDBMS Bulk Load problem

Post by cdp »

I'm trying to get the bulk load functionality going inside of the Dynamic RDBMS stage to load +-45 million records into SQL Server 2008 (source is a SQL Server 2005 table).

The ODBC connection I'm doing this through has been configured correctly and if I set the Update action to 'Truncate table then insert rows' data gets loaded without a problem but it is just slow.

My problem is if I set the Update action to 'Bulk insert' (same job, same stage as above) I get the following error 'Cannot get Server name from ODBC configuration entry odbc_name'.

I've set the IBM Native SQLServer Wire Protocol ODBC driver to 'Enable Bulk Load' but for some reason it can't find the server name as stated in the ODBC settings if the stage is set to 'Bulk insert'.

Anyone else experience this before, or any other suggestions to bulk load to SQL Server?
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