Problem while using $PROJDEF

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Problem while using $PROJDEF

Post by SURA »


I set the environment variable as
LoadFiles --> C:\DSJOBS\LoadFiles\

In the project level i set the default value as $PROJDEF for $LoadFiles.

When i tried to read the data i am getting the below error.

##I TOSH 000002 09:08:40(001) <main_program> orchgeneral: loaded
##I TOSH 000002 09:08:40(002) <main_program> orchsort: loaded
##I TOSH 000002 09:08:40(003) <main_program> orchstats: loaded
##W TCOS 000049 09:08:40(004) <main_program> Parameter specified but not used in flow: _APT_CONFIG_FILE
##W TCOS 000049 09:08:40(005) <main_program> Parameter specified but not used in flow: _LoadFiles
##W TCOS 000049 09:08:40(006) <main_program> Parameter specified but not used in flow: DSProjectMapName
##I TFSC 000001 09:08:40(011) <main_program> APT configuration file: C:/Ascential/DataStage/Configurations/default.apt
>##E TOIX 000049 09:08:41(000) <Sequential_File_0,0> Unable to open $PROJDEFLoadFile.txt
>: No such file or directory
>##E TOIX 000000 09:08:41(001) <Sequential_File_0,0> Operator's runLocally() failed.
##I TOIX 000000 09:08:41(002) <Sequential_File_0,0> Output 0 produced 0 records.
>##E TFCI 000000 09:08:42(000) <APT_CombinedOperatorController,0> Operator's runLocally() failed.
>##E TFPM 000040 09:08:42(001) <APT_CombinedOperatorController,0> Operator terminated abnormally: runLocally did not return APT_StatusOk
>##E TFSR 000011 09:08:48(000) <main_program> Step execution finished with status = FAILED.
##I TCOS 000026 09:08:48(001) <main_program> Startup Time 0:06 Production Run Time 0:01.

Please help me to find the reason.

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Post by ray.wurlod »

You don't refer to $PROJDEF in your job design. You set up a regular job parameter (environment variable). Let's assume it's called $MYDIR. It is set up in the Administrator client and given a default value there.

In your job, you add $MYDIR environment variable as a job parameter, and set its default value to the special token $PROJDEF.

In the stage that needs it, you create a reference to that job parameter, enclosed in "#" characters if it's a passive stage. For example #$MYDIR#/LoadFile.txt
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