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Record xxxxxxxx in DS_STAGETYPES does not exist

Posted: Wed Aug 29, 2007 10:16 am
by lgharis
The developers are not able to see several stages in the Designer client for one Project. When they try to open a job they get the error message "Record multiplyLanguages in file DS_STAGETYPES does not exist".

This happens for several stages. When we do a LIST on DS_STAGETYPES it shows the stages, but they do not appear in the client. We have issued a DS.REINDEX DS_STAGETYPES. It completed for 168 stages.

in bin/uvsh
>LIST DS_STAGETYPES multiplyLanguages

Stagetype name.... multiplyLanguages
Short description.
Category.......... CARS

1 records listed.

Posted: Wed Aug 29, 2007 12:40 pm
by lgharis
Turns out someone checked the box "Enable remote execution of Parallel Jobs" in Administrator for the project.

Unchecked that box. All is fine.