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Posted: Wed Aug 23, 2017 8:25 am
by eostic
I don't frequently use that particular subcommand of istool command, but several things you might consider...

a) on other sub-areas of istool, the quotes after the qualifier must be two single quotes, directly next to each other.

b) try import -help. The context of the help does change based on the type of istool function you are asking about.

c) try at the server...and then also at a Windows client. I haven't checked in a long time, but there are possibly subtle differences in what is available in istool in either environment, for various architecture reasons.


Posted: Wed Aug 23, 2017 3:56 pm
by asorrell
Was Information Analyzer actually installed on that particular server? It is a selectable option at the Engine level.

Check the Version.xml file (/opt/IBM/InformationServer or equivalent for your system) and look in the <Products> section to insure it was installed.

Posted: Thu Aug 24, 2017 1:58 am
by skathaitrooney
Well i know for sure IA is definitely installed. I can use Information Analyzer client and can also create an run rules on the server.

Version.xml does show that InformationAnalyzer is installed.

Everything works for us, except the istools. And no, i am not making any syntax related errors via istools.

I don't really know where to start looking.

Posted: Thu Aug 24, 2017 4:55 am
by eostic
Did you try istools in both places?

Posted: Thu Aug 24, 2017 6:34 am
by qt_ky
eostic wrote:b) try import -help. The context of the help does change based on the type of istool function you are asking about.
Here is the export help followed by the import help from one of our SP1 UNIX servers.

export help:

Code: Select all

$ export -help
istool export  [ Options ]

Possible values for: Options
    Long Name:         Short Name:     Description:
    -help            ,  -h         : print command usage
    -domain          ,  -dom       : Name of Information Server domain
    -username        ,  -u         : Name of user account on Information Server domain
    -password        ,  -p         : Password for Information Server account
    -authfile        ,  -af        : Credentials file
    -verbose         ,  -v         : display progress
    -silent          ,  -s         : silence command output
    -archive         ,  -ar        : Archive file
    -preview         ,  -pre       : Preview export task without executing
    -abortIfError    ,  -abort     : Abort task on N errors
    -updatearchive   ,  -up        : Update any existing Archive file
    -all             ,  -all       : Export all assets
    -maxArchiveSize  ,  -mas       : Specify the maximum size in megabytes (MB) of the archive file that you want to create for the export. If the exported assets exceed the specified size, one or more additional archive files are created.For example, specifying "-mas 500" would be interpreted as maximum archive size defined is 500 MB.
    -responseFile    ,  -rf        : Specify a file that was generated from a previous export that contains the list of assets that failed to export. When this parameter is passed, only the listed assets are exported.
    -commonmetadata  ,  -cm        : (Implemented data resource asset extensions)        Host-hst; Database-db; Database schema-sch; Database table-tbl; Data file record-dcl; Stored procedure-sp; Data file-fl;  Data file definition-fd; Data file definition record-fdl; Data file definition domain-ddd; Data file domain-fdd; Data file folder-fdr; Data item definition-did; Data connection-dcn; Database domain-sdd
                 (Physical data model asset extensions)
                 Physical data model-pm; Design table-dtl; Design procedure-dp; Physical domain-pdd;
                 (BI asset extensions)
                 BI model-oml; BI collection-ocl; Cube-ocb; BI report-rdf; BI report query-rds; BI server-srv; BI folder-fld

            Options for: -commonmetadata
              -base              ,  -base      : Prefix for Paths
              -contactassignmentonly  ,  -caonly    : Contact assignment only
              -includecontactassignment  ,  -incca     : Include contact assignment
              -includeannotation  ,  -incannot  : Include annotation
              -batchassets       ,  -batch     : Batch specified number of assets into a single xmi
              -includedataconnection  ,  -incdc     : Include data connection
              Common metadata item paths
    -logicalmetadata  ,  -lm        : (Logical model asset extensions)   Logical data model-lm; Logical entity-ent; Logical relationship-rel; Entity generalization hierarchy-gen; Logical domain-dom; Subject area-sa;

            Options for: -logicalmetadata
              -base              ,  -base      : Prefix for Paths
              -contactassignmentonly  ,  -caonly    : Contact assignment only
              -includecontactassignment  ,  -incca     : Include contact assignment
              -includeannotation  ,  -incannot  : Include annotation
              -batchassets       ,  -batch     : Batch specified number of assets into a single xmi
              Logical data model item paths
    -customattributes  ,  -ca        : (Custom attribute asset extensions)       Class descriptor-cd;

            Options for: -customattributes
              -base              ,  -base      : Prefix for Paths
              Custom attribute item paths
    -mastermetadata  ,  -mdm       : (Master Data Management Asset extension)    IISMDMModel-mdm;

            Options for: -mastermetadata
              -base              ,  -base      : Prefix for Paths
              -contactassignmentonly  ,  -caonly    : Contact assignment only
              -includecontactassignment  ,  -incca     : Include contact assignment
              -includeannotation  ,  -incannot  : Include annotation
              -batchassets       ,  -batch     : Batch specified number of assets into a single xmi
              MDM metadata item paths
    -dataclassanalysis  ,  -dca       : (DataClass and Analysis asset extensions)        DataClass-dc; DataCollectionAnalysis-als;

            Options for: -dataclassanalysis
              -base              ,  -base      : Prefix for Paths
              -contactassignmentonly  ,  -caonly    : Contact assignment only
              -includecontactassignment  ,  -incca     : Include contact assignment
              -includeannotation  ,  -incannot  : Include annotation
              -batchassets       ,  -batch     : Batch specified number of assets into a single xmi
              -includeclassification  ,  -inccls    : Include classification
              DataClass and Analysis metadata item paths
    -informationgovernancecatalog  ,  -igc       : igc options

            Options for: -informationgovernancecatalog
              -batch             ,  -batch     : Specify how to batch assets

    -dataclick       ,  -dc        : InfoSphere Data Click assets that are associated with activities.

            Options for: -dataclick
              -activities        ,  -a         : Select the activities that you want to export by name (default)
              -projects          ,  -p         : Select the activities that you want to export by DataStage project names <engine>/<project_name>. Use <engine>/* to export all activities from this engine.
              Activity names or project names depending if -activities or -projects option is specified
    -report          ,  -rep       : Reporting Assets

            Options for: -report
              -reportName        ,  -repName   : Names of Reports in Reporting Service
              -ownedByProduct    ,  -prod      : Include Reports belonging to a product
              -reportRIDs        ,  -rid       : RIDS of the reports to be exported
              -includeLastReportResults  ,  -incLastResult : Include Last N Report Results for every report
              -includeAllReportResults  ,  -incAllResults : Include all referenced Report results for the Reports Exported
              -includeReportResultName  ,  -incResultName : Include Report Result for a given name.
              Reporting item paths.
    -security        ,  -sec       : Security Group Assets.

            Options for: -security
              -securityGroup     ,  -sg        : Security Group Assets.
              -groupident        ,  -grp       : Specify list of groups. Can use * or ? wildchars.
              -includeGroupUserMemberships  ,  -incGrpUsrMems : To specify that group users and their references should be exported along with group.
              -includeRoles      ,  -incRole   : To specify that user or group role relationships must be exported.
              -securityUser      ,  -su        : Security User Assets.
              -userident         ,  -u         : Specify list of users. Can use * or ? wildchars.
              -includeUserGroupMemberships  ,  -incUsrGrpMems : To specify that user groups and their references should be exported along with user.
              -includeCredential  ,  -incCred   : To specify that IS credentials must be exported.
              -includeCredentialMappings  ,  -incMap    : To specify that DataStage user credential mappings must be exported.
    -datastage       ,  -ds        : DataStage Assets

            Options for: -datastage
              -includedependent  ,  -incdep    : Include dependent items
              -nodesign          ,  -nodes     : Exclude design items
              -includeexecutable  ,  -incexec   : Include executable items
              -base              ,  -base      : Prefix for Paths
              DataStage item paths
    -informationanalyzer  ,  -ia        : InformationAnalyzer assets and options

            Options for: -informationanalyzer
              -includeDataClasses  ,  -dataclass : Include dataclasses
              -projects          ,  -projects  : names of projects to export; * indicates all
              -includeResultHistory  ,  -incresult : Include DataQuality result history
              -includeCommonMetadata  ,  -inccm     : Include common metadata assets
              -includeProjectRoles  ,  -incroles  : Include role assignments
              -includeReports    ,  -incrpt    : Include reports
              -tablelevel        ,  -tbllvl    : Table level export
    -imam            ,  -im        : InfoSphere Metadata Asset Manager assets

            Options for: -imam
              -importArea        ,  -i         : A comma-separated list of import area names. You can use an asterisk (*) as a wildcard to mean all import areas. For example, -imam '-importArea ImportArea1,ImportArea2'
              -includeStagingAreaAssets  ,  -incsaa    : Exports the staging repository assets of the last shared import event for each import area that is specified by the -importArea option.  If a specified import  area has not been shared, the option is ignored for that import area. Usage example: -imam '-importArea "MyImportArea1 MyImportArea2" -includeStagingAreaAssets'
    -streamsEndpoint  ,  -streams   : Streams Endpoint Assets

            Options for: -streamsEndpoint
              -endPoints         ,  -ep        : Endpoints to export.  Specify '*' for all, or 'scope/name' to select specific endpoints.  Wildcards can be used in scope or name.
    -fasttrack       ,  -ft        : FastTrack Assets

            Options for: -fasttrack
              -includeCommonMetadata  ,  -incCM     : Include common metadata
              -includeDataStageAssets  ,  -incDS     : Include assets from InfoSphere DataStage
              -includeReports    ,  -incRep    : Include reports
              -includeGenerationHistory  ,  -incGen    : Include generation history
              -includeProjectRoleAssignments  ,  -incRole   : Include project role assignments
              -includeDependent  ,  -incDep    : Include all dependent assets
              FastTrack item paths (<project-name>.ftp, <template-name>.ftt, <project-name>/<mapping-specification-name>.spc, <project-name>/<mapping-component-name>.cmp, or <project-name>/<mapping-composition-name>.cps)

Exit codes:

      0 - Success
      1 - Warning
      2 - Partial failure
      3 - Export failed
      4 - Export preview failed
      5 - Invalid archive file
      6 - Error reading ExportOptions.json file
      7 - Error reading the response file.
      8 - The contents of the response file cannot be empty.
      9 - The -preview parameter is not supported with -responseFile.
     10 - Failed to connect to Information Server domain
     11 - Invalid command syntax
import help:

Code: Select all

$ import -help
istool import  [ Options ]

Possible values for: Options
    Long Name:         Short Name:     Description:
    -help            ,  -h         : print command usage
    -domain          ,  -dom       : Name of Information Server domain
    -username        ,  -u         : Name of user account on Information Server domain
    -password        ,  -p         : Password for Information Server account
    -authfile        ,  -af        : Credentials file
    -verbose         ,  -v         : display progress
    -silent          ,  -s         : silence command output
    -preview         ,  -pre       : Preview the command, listing items to be imported.  Do not execute.
    -archive         ,  -ar        : Name of source archive for imported items, on local filesystem
    -replace         ,  -r         : Replace existing versions of items in Information Server
    -abortAfter      ,  -abort     : Abort after N errors
    -all             ,  -all       : Import all assets
    -responseFile    ,  -rf        : Specify a file that was generated from a previous import that contains the list of assets that failed to import. When this parameter is passed, only the listed assets are imported.
    -commonmetadata  ,  -cm        : (Implemented data resource asset extensions)        Host-hst; Database-db; Database schema-sch; Database table-tbl; Data file record-dcl; Stored procedure-sp; Data file-fl;  Data file definition-fd; Data file definition record-fdl; Data file definition domain-ddd; Data file domain-fdd; Data file folder-fdr; Data item definition-did; Data connection-dcn; Database domain-sdd
                 (Physical data model asset extensions)
                 Physical data model-pm; Design table-dtl; Design procedure-dp; Physical domain-pdd;
                 (BI asset extensions)
                 BI model-oml; BI collection-ocl; Cube-ocb; BI report-rdf; BI report query-rds; BI server-srv; BI folder-fld

            Options for: -commonmetadata
              -tolerateDuplicates  ,  -tolerateDup : Tolerate duplicates - deprecated.
              -mapping           ,  -map       : Mapping file name
              -allowDuplicates   ,  -allowDup  : Allows import when duplicates exists in the imported metadata or when imported metadata matches duplicate objects in the repository.
    -logicalmetadata  ,  -lm        : (Logical model asset extensions)   Logical data model-lm; Logical entity-ent; Logical relationship-rel; Entity generalization hierarchy-gen; Logical domain-dom; Subject area-sa;

            Options for: -logicalmetadata
              -tolerateDuplicates  ,  -tolerateDup : Tolerate duplicates - deprecated.
              -mapping           ,  -map       : Mapping file name
              -allowDuplicates   ,  -allowDup  : Allows import when duplicates exists in the imported metadata or when imported metadata matches duplicate objects in the repository.
    -customattributes  ,  -ca        : (Custom attribute asset extensions)       Class descriptor-cd;

            Options for: -customattributes
              -mapping           ,  -map       : Mapping file name
    -mastermetadata  ,  -mdm       : (Master Data Management Asset extension)    IISMDMModel-mdm;

            Options for: -mastermetadata
              -mapping           ,  -map       : Mapping file name
              -allowDuplicates   ,  -allowDup  : Allows import when duplicates exists in the imported metadata or when imported metadata matches duplicate objects in the repository.
    -dataclassanalysis  ,  -dca       : (DataClass and Analysis asset extensions)        DataClass-dc; DataCollectionAnalysis-als;

            Options for: -dataclassanalysis
              -mapping           ,  -map       : Mapping file name
              -allowDuplicates   ,  -allowDup  : Allows import when duplicates exists in the imported metadata or when imported metadata matches duplicate objects in the repository.
    -InformationGovernanceCatalog  ,  -igc       : igc options

            Options for: -InformationGovernanceCatalog
                                 ,             :
    -dataclick       ,  -dc        : InfoSphere Data Click assets that are associated with activities.

            Options for: -dataclick
              -renameProject     ,  -ren       : Assets related to this DataStage project will be renamed to the value of the next -toProject option. You can use '*/project' to just rename the project or 'engine/*' to rename the engine
              -toProject         ,  -to        : New name that you want to give to the project that you specified for the -renameProject option.
    -report          ,  -rep       : Reporting Assets

            Options for: -report
              -replace           ,  -r         : Modify assets during the [import] command execution. Must be specified with [import].
              Reporting item paths.
    -security        ,  -sec       : Security Group Assets.

            Options for: -security
              -replace           ,  -r         : Modify assets during the import command execution. Must be specified with import.
    -datastage       ,  -ds        : DataStage specific options

            Options for: -datastage
              -nodes             ,  -nodesign  : Exclude DataStage design items
              server/project                   : DataStage project
    -informationanalyzer  ,  -ia        : InformationAnalyzer import options

            Options for: -informationanalyzer
              -onNameConflict    ,  -nameconf  : allowed actions - ignore/replace/rename
              -renameSuffix      ,  -renSuf    : rename suffix to be used
              -mapping           ,  -map       : Mapping file name
    -imam            ,  -im        : No support for specifying individual import area names. For example, -imam ''

            Options for: -imam
              -importArea        ,  -i         : A comma-separated list of import area names. You can use an asterisk (*) as a wildcard to mean all import areas. For example, -imam '-importArea ImportArea1,ImportArea2'
              -replace           ,  -r         : Allows the import area to overwrite an existing identical import area in the metadata repository.
    -streamsEndpoint  ,  -streams   : Streams Endpoint Assets

            Options for: -streamsEndpoint
              -onNameConflict    ,  -nameconf  : Specifies behavior when asset already exists.  Permitted values are 'ignore' or 'replace'
    -fasttrack       ,  -ft        : FastTrack specific options

            Options for: -fasttrack
              -onNameConflict    ,  -nameconf  : Allowed actions - ignore/replace/rename
              -renameSuffix      ,  -rensuf    : Suffix for renamed project. Default is "_New"
              -dsNamespace       ,  -dsns      : DataStage <server>[/<project>] (required only for Mapping Components)

Exit codes:

      0 - Success
      1 - Warning
      2 - Partial failure
      3 - Import failed
      4 - Import preview failed
      5 - Invalid archive file
      6 - Error reading ImportOptions.json file
      7 - Error reading the response file.
      8 - The contents of the response file cannot be empty.
      9 - The -preview parameter is not supported with -responseFile.
     10 - Failed to connect to Information Server domain
     11 - Invalid command syntax

Posted: Thu Aug 24, 2017 10:39 am
by asorrell
I would say upgrade it to The patching process for 11.5.01 was very ugly and could have easily gotten a step out of order, which might cause issues.

Once you are on if it still doesn't work then I'd say open a ticket with your service provider.

Posted: Mon Aug 28, 2017 8:26 am
by skathaitrooney
Yes, -help for me does not show the -ia option. I will probably upgrade it to and see what happens.

Thanks experts for your time, i will update this thread once i have the results from the FP2 upgrade.

Posted: Tue Sep 19, 2017 9:21 am
by skathaitrooney
So we migrated to I still do not see the option for informationanalyzer.

I will open a ticket with the support

Posted: Wed Sep 20, 2017 11:55 am
by JRodriguez
We are at and able to see the Information Analyzer import options...See last line

./ import -help istool import [ Options ]

Possible values for: Options
Long Name: Short Name: Description:
-help , -h : print command usage
-domain , -dom : Name of Information Server domain
-username , -u : Name of user account on Information Server domain
-password , -p : Password for Information Server account
-authfile , -af : Credentials file
-verbose , -v : display progress
-silent , -s : silence command output
-preview , -pre : Preview the command, listing items to be imported. Do not execute.
-archive , -ar : Name of source archive for imported items, on local filesystem
-replace , -r : Replace existing versions of items in Information Server
-abortAfter , -abort : Abort after N errors
-all , -all : Import all assets
-responseFile , -rf : Specify a file that was generated from a previous import that contains the list of assets that failed to import. When this parameter is passed, only the listed assets are imported.
-informationanalyzer , -ia : InformationAnalyzer import options

Options for: -informationanalyzer
-onNameConflict , -nameconf : allowed actions - ignore/replace/rename
-renameSuffix , -renSuf : rename suffix to be used
-mapping , -map : Mapping file name

Posted: Fri Sep 22, 2017 6:27 am
by skathaitrooney
Yes i know. This is a problem with only 1 of our engines on We dont see the -ia option in help.

Posted: Wed May 23, 2018 8:20 am
by skathaitrooney
Ok i got it working.

Some jar files under istools/cli/plugins directory related to ia had permission problems. dsadm did not have read and execute permissions on them. I re-configured the permissions, and also cleaned up the istoolcache.

After doing so, my istool works now with the -ia option.

I'l mark this thread as Solved