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Infosphere grid on VM -

Posted: Thu Jul 23, 2015 7:53 pm
by sendmkpk

We are planning for a migration to 11..3 from 8.7.2 right now we are on HP UX Grid 2 Head Nodes and 6 Compute nodes.

All these servers are 8 Core HP Itanium and on Head node 2 we run it as NFS Server and also IA/BG/MWB run on this HEAD NODE2. And in the GRID we have around 10k jobs running daily.

We are planning to move to 11.3 on RHEL with VM's complete GRID.

Any thoughts if thats the right approach or Is a Stand alone Cluster is better where we Splt WAS/ENGINE into differemt servers and have a big beast with ACTIVE PASSIVE framework.

Really appreciate any ideas.

Posted: Fri Jul 24, 2015 7:19 am
by chulett
Sounds like an IBM / Official Support Provide question to me...

Posted: Fri Jul 24, 2015 11:48 am
by PaulVL
You have to estimate the amount of work that will be thrown at the environment and project for future growth too.

I'm not a fan fo VM hosts for an ETL environment. I don't care what those VM Host admins say... give me metal any day over a VM. It's mainly because of the IO on the box, not the CPU. It's also a political fight to tell them "Ya but I really do need this much RAM on my host because I have big data, I'm not just some flimsy application. I crunch big numbers all day long...." Trust me, it's a pain to deal with the typical VM admins because they do not see how datastage doesn't fit the VM mold.

VM hosts are very nice for certain applications. Just not ETL in my oppinion.

Now, next question is grid verse cluster vs stand alone....

We can't answer that for you, you have to look at current capacity, growth, and cost.

I do prefer to include WAS and the engine on one box since I have seen some ILOG or JRULES (forget which one) behaev better when the engine is co located with WAS.

From an admin stand point, it's also more conviniant to have them on one host. Just make sure to bump up RAM on the box. WAS will consume a about 8GB and be fine.