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Posted: Mon Apr 11, 2011 9:51 pm
by pandeesh
Thanks!! i ll try my own script.. :lol: :lol: :lol:

Posted: Mon Apr 11, 2011 10:00 pm
by pandeesh
i have one more query.

Actually there is an option "Reset if required, then run " in sequencer whats the use of that option?

Can anyone give example where we can check that option.

I have never used that one. i have only used the checkpoint so that restartable option.


Posted: Mon Apr 11, 2011 10:42 pm
by ray.wurlod
A sequencer doesn't have that option. The only option available to a sequencer is Any/All.

Posted: Mon Apr 11, 2011 11:59 pm
by pandeesh

Actually i ama sking about the option, "Automatically handle activities that fail " in jobcontrol of a sequencer..

Can you explain abt that?


Posted: Tue Apr 12, 2011 12:37 am
by ray.wurlod
A sequencer doesn't have that option either. The only option available to a sequencer is Any/All.

It may be that you are meaning to use the term "sequence".

A Search of DSXchange will tell you much about the "automatically handle activities that fail" and any gaps then remaining in your knowledge can be answered by reference to the Parallel Job Developer's Guide.

Posted: Tue Apr 12, 2011 1:07 am
by pandeesh
Thanks ray!

Got it!!

Posted: Tue Apr 12, 2011 1:45 am
by pandeesh
Can we accompilsh the below start of restartability?

For example one of my load job(which is loaded into oracle table) got aborted after 2000 records loaded.

In the restart i would like to load from 2001st records.. i dont want to load that already loaded 2000 records.

How to achieve this?

Whether those 2000 records will be loaded (got commited) even though the job aborts?


Posted: Tue Apr 12, 2011 4:49 am
by ray.wurlod
You can do this, but you have to design it in to your own jobs - there is no automatic mechanism for keeping track of successfully committed transactions.

Posted: Tue Jul 26, 2011 11:29 am
by akroy2011
Can u tell us the logic so that I can try to design my job?
We are extracting from SAP.
How can I design so that job will start extracting data from 1001 records once it aborted after 1000 records.

Posted: Tue Jul 26, 2011 4:46 pm
by ray.wurlod
You will have to wait until the next time that U logs in (U is one of our members) or, perhaps, learn that the second person personal pronoun in English is spelled "you".

The design mechanism has to record, or determine on restart, how many records actually (successfully) made it into the target, and use that information in a filter of some kind during the restart. There are at least five ways to accomplish the recording; the most usual is identifying columns for the load job in the target table(s).

Posted: Fri Nov 04, 2011 3:07 am
by pandeesh
i have tweaked the default runmodel for bringing restartability
But it doesn't work if the sequence is in Stopped/Restartable .
It seems the sequence needs to be reset before run if it's in the state 97.
The script is below:

Code: Select all

# This script assumes that the execution environment has been 
# set up correctly. 
# Failure to do so may result in incorrect execution, delays 
# in delivery, or loss of data. 

# The parmdefs are retrieved from the Datastage Server, the EDW_PARMS 
# file, and the script command line. The parmdefs are stored with 
# name as the key, and value as the data. 
# 1) A call to dsjob is made to retrieve the set of parm names and 
#    default parmdefs from the Datastage job, and stored. 
# 2) The file parmdefs for the specified Project and JS are extracted 
#    from the EDW_PARMS file, and stored. 
# 3) The optional command line parmdefs are loaded. 
# Any parmdefs with same name (key) will override the previous value 
# that was stored. 
# The precedence is controlled by the order in which the parmdefs are 
# read and stored: 
#         Datastage job < EDW_PARMS file < command line 
# A call to dsjob is made to get the job's status info. 
#     dsjob -run -jobinfo 
#       <project> <job> 
# The status code is parsed out. 
# If the status code is runnable, continue, else if the 
# status code is resettable, reset, else return fail code. 
#     dsjob -run -mode RESET 
#       <project> <job> 
# If the reset succeeds, continue, else return fail code. 
# A call to dsjob is made to retrieve the set of parmdefs. 
# A dsjob command string is created, using the stored 
# set of parmdefs. 
# The warn parm def is a special parm that will be passed 
# to datastage as the -warn parameter rather than as a param. 
# If no warn parm def is supplied then the -warn parameter 
# will not be passed to datastage. 
# The dsjob command string is executed 
# to start the execution of the Job: 
#     dsjob -run -jobstatus 
#       -warn value 
#       -param name=value 
#       -param name=value 
#       -param name=value 
#       ... 
#       <project> <job> 
# Set up return codes at top of script
# to make maintainence easier
NoParms=2     ; export NoParms
NotRunnable=4 ; export NotRunnable
OK=0          ; export OK
Warnings=1    ; export Warnings
ABORT=3       ; export ABORT

#DSBIN=`cat /.dshome`/bin
DSCMDEXE="$DSBIN/dsjob -server :31539 "

export DSBIN    
export DSCMDEXE 
export ProjectNamesFile

# capture the pid of this invocation 

ScriptPath=`echo $0 | sed -n 's/\(.*\/\)[^/]\{1,\}$/\1/p'`
export ScriptPath
if [ -e "$ScriptPath" ]
echo "Script Path is "$ScriptPath
echo "Script Path is Home Directory "$ScriptPath
export ScriptPath

export ScriptName                                          # this will grab the current name of this script
echo "script name is "$ScriptName
project_type=`echo $ScriptName | cut -d'_' -f1`
export project_type
echo "project name = " $project_type
#jobname=`echo $ScriptName | cut -d'_' -f2 |cut -d'.' -f1`

jobname=`echo ${ScriptName%.*} | cut -d'_' -f2`
echo "JOBNAME = "$jobname
# Added by Siva Tallapaneni on 2005-08-23
export jobname

# and ensure that the usage message remains correct

export project

DateStarted=`date '+%Y%m%d%H:%M:%S'`
export DateStarted

# Source DSENV to set up environment
. $DSBIN/../dsenv

# Must declare all our functions first in ksh 

function usage # display usage instructions 
  echo "Usage:" 
  echo "$ScriptName <project> <job> [<name1=value1> <name2=value2> ... ]" 
  echo "$project_type     project  - A valid Datastage Project name" 
  echo "$jobname     job      - A valid Datastage Job name in Project" 
  echo "     name     - A valid parameter name for Project and Job" 
  echo "     value    - A value to be assigned to parameter 'name'" 

function do_log # write timestamp, pid, string to log 
# arg1 - a string 
  echo `date '+%Y%m%d %H:%M:%S'` $THISPID $1 

function in_list # returns 1 if arg1 found in list arg2, else 0 
# arg1 - a token 
# arg2 - a list of tokens 
  for token in $2 
    if [ "$1" = "$token" ] 
      return 1 
  return 0 

function get_jobstat # get job's status, return numeric code 
# arg1 - project name 
# arg2 - jobname 
  cmdstring="$DSCMDEXE -jobinfo $1 $2" 
  #do_log "get_jobstat: cmd=$cmdstring" 
  js=`$cmdstring | grep 'Job Status'` 
  echo "$js"
  return 0 

function jstat_action # return action based on text job status 
# arg1 - text job status 
  # parse out the numeric job status 
  nstat=`echo $1 | sed 's/^.*(\([0-9][0-9]*\)).*$/\1/'` 

  case $nstat in 
    print "RUN" 
    print "FAIL" 
    print "FAIL" 

function get_dslog # read DataStage log for a given job 
# arg1 - ProjectName 
# arg2 - JobName 



echo "" 
echo "==== Checking datastage log for Project ${AbortProject} Job ${AbortJob}" 
echo "" 

$DSCMDEXE -logsum ${AbortProject} ${AbortJob} > ${TEMPFIL1} 

StartLine=`grep -n STARTED ${TEMPFIL1} | cut -f1 -d: | tail -2 | head -1` 
do_log StartLine:$StartLine 

TotalLines=`wc -l ${TEMPFIL1} | awk '{print $1}'` 
do_log TotalLines:$TotalLines 

NumLines=`expr ${TotalLines} - ${StartLine} + 1` 
do_log NumLines:$NumLines 

tail -${NumLines} ${TEMPFIL1} > ${TEMPFIL2} 
cat ${TEMPFIL2} 

for AbortJob2 in `cat ${TEMPFIL2} | egrep "\(Aborted\)|\(Finished with warnings\)" | cut -f 4 -d " "` 

  echo "" 
  echo "==== Checking datastage log for Project ${AbortProject} NESTED Job ${AbortJob2}" 
  echo "" 

  $DSCMDEXE -logsum ${AbortProject} ${AbortJob2} > ${TEMPFIL3} 

  StartLine2=`grep -n STARTED ${TEMPFIL3} | cut -f1 -d: | tail -2 | head -1` 
  do_log startLine2:$StartLine2 

  TotalLines2=`wc -l ${TEMPFIL3} | awk '{print $1}'` 
  do_log TotalLines2:$TotalLines2 

  NumLines2=`expr ${TotalLines2} - ${StartLine2} + 1` 
  do_log NumLines2:$NumLines2 

  tail -${NumLines2} ${TEMPFIL3} 


rm -f ${TEMPFIL1} 
rm -f ${TEMPFIL2} 
rm -f ${TEMPFIL3} 

do_findParm() # Finds the value for a Name=Value pair
# Arg1 = fully qualified path and file name containing name=value pairs
# Arg2 = Name of parameter to find value for

    ParameterFile=$1 ; export ParameterFile
    ParameterName=$2 ; export ParameterName

    if [ $# -lt 2 ]
        do_log "do_findParm() requires exactly 2 parameters"
        return 1
    elif [ -r "$ParameterFile" ]
        if [ "`egrep "^$ParameterName=" $ParameterFile 2>&1 > /dev/null ; echo $?`" -ne 0 ]
             #do_log "Parameter: $ParameterName, does not exist in $ParameterFile"
             return 2
        #    do_log "Found parameter..."
        #do_log "ParameterFile: $ParameterFile, does not exist"
        return 3

    # This sed expression grabs all characters after the first = on the lines
    # beginning with the ParameterName followed by an =.
    ValueOfParm=`egrep "^$ParameterName=" $ParameterFile | sed -n 's/^[^=]\{1,\}=\([^$]\{1,\}\)/\1/p'`
# If the job did not complete
# with normal status, retrieve
# the first warning/error
# message from the log
do_scanLog() # scan the Datastage log files
  echo "#==============================================="
  echo ""
  echo ""
  echo ""
  echo ""
  echo "#==============================================="

  if [ ${RETCODE:-0} -ne 0 ]
                FirstLineNumber=`cat $ScriptPath/../log/$jobname.$DateStarted.log  | egrep "$[0-9]+[                 ]+(FATAL|WARNING)" | head -1 | cut -f 1` 
                SecondLineNumber=`cat $ScriptPath/../log/$jobname.$DateStarted.log | egrep "$[0-9]+[                 ]+(FATAL|WARNING)" | head -2 | tail -1 | cut -f 1`
                echo 'sed -n "/^'$FirstLineNumber'/,/^'$SecondLineNumber'/p"  $ScriptPath/../log/$jobname.$DateStarted.log | head -2 | tail -1' 2>&1 > $ScriptPath/../log/$jobname."LogContents".sh
                export LogMessage
                rm -r $ScriptPath/../log/$jobname."LogContents".sh $ScriptPath/../log/$jobname.$DateStarted.log
                do_log "LogMessage=$LogMessage"
                export FirstLineNumber
                export SecondLineNumber

#                                   # 
#  First executable line in script  # 
#                                   # 

# Get the job's status from the DataStage server 

jobstatus="$(get_jobstat $project_type $jobname)" 

echo " After Job stat Function"

do_log "Project:$project JobName:$jobname ${jobstatus:-' '}."

# Get action based on the jobstatus 

action=$(jstat_action "$jobstatus") 

# RESET if needed 

if [ "$action" = "RESET" ] 
  do_reset $project $jobname 

# wait a bit 
sleep 5 

# check job status after reset 
  jobstatus="$(get_jobstat $project $jobname)"
  do_log "Project:$project JobName:$jobname ${jobstatus:-' '}." 
  action=$(jstat_action "$jobstatus") 

# If action is still not RUN, then fail 
if [ "$action" != "RUN" ] 
  do_log "Cannot run $project $jobname, $jobstatus" 
  export REW_CONSOLE=Y 
  exit $NotRunnable

# Get parm names for this project and jobname from the Datastage server 

cmdstring="$DSCMDEXE -lparams $project_type $jobname" 

$cmdstring | while read parm 
  jobparmlist="$jobparmlist $parm" 

echo jobparmlist
# gather project level parms 
# (and assign to parmdefs)

# This will assign to parmdefs all the lines in the format: Name=Value
# from the Project Parameters Files
if [ -e "$ScriptPath/../ini/$jobname.ini" ] 
    do_log "Using INI file found in: $ScriptPath/../ini/$jobname.ini"
    parmdefs=$( sed -n 's/^\([^=]\{1,\}=[^$]\{1,\}\)/"\1" \\/p' $ScriptPath/../ini/$jobname.ini)
    do_log "parmdefs set to: \"$parmdefs\""
    if [ -e $parmdefs ]
    do_log "Unable to find INI file in: $ScriptPath/../ini/$jobname.ini for the job $jobname"
      RETCODE=$"Couldn't find ini file"
      export REW_CONSOLE=Y
      date_variable=`date +'%b %e %H:%M:%S'`
      do_log "Message for TEC Log Miner:$TECString"
#      echo "$TECString" >> `cat /.dshome`/../Projects/TEC.log
      exit 1

# Then add on the optional parmdefs that may have been passed in 

#$remaining_parms"  # 2004-01-28 dowen 

if [ -e $parmdefs1 ]
echo continue

do_log "parmdefs before validation: \"$parmdefs\""
# Make sure that each parmdef name is valid 
echo for parmdef in "$parmdefs"                                             >  temp.$$
echo do                                                                                                                                >> temp.$$ 
echo  'do_log "Validating: \"$parmdef\""'                                                             >> temp.$$
echo  "name=\`echo \$parmdef | cut -d"=" -f1 | cut -d'\"' -f2 \`"               >> temp.$$
echo  'do_log "Attempting to set parm:\"$name\""'                                        >> temp.$$
echo  'in_list "$name" "$jobparmlist"'                                                                     >> temp.$$ 
echo  'found=$?'                                                                                                              >> temp.$$ 
echo  'if [ $found -eq 1 ]'                                                                                               >> temp.$$
echo  then                                                                                                                          >> temp.$$
echo    "validdefs=\"\$validdefs '\$(echo \$parmdef | sed 's/ /#Space#/g')'\"">> temp.$$
echo    'do_log "validdefs=$validdefs"'                                                                   >> temp.$$
echo    'do_log "Parameter \"$parmdef\", set."'                                                                >> temp.$$
echo  'elif [ `echo $name|tr [A-Z] [a-z]` = "warn" ]'                                           >> temp.$$
echo  then                                                                                                                          >> temp.$$
echo    'warnparm="-warn `echo $parmdef | cut -d"=" -f2"'                          >> temp.$$
echo    'do_log "Parameter \"$parmdef\", not found in job."'                      >> temp.$$
echo  else                                                                                                                            >> temp.$$
echo    'do_log "Parameter \"$parmdef\", not found in job."'                      >> temp.$$
echo  fi                                                                                                                                 >> temp.$$
echo done                                                                                                                          >> temp.$$

#chmod 777 temp.$$
. ./temp.$$

if [ $? -ne 0 ] 
   do_log "Error building parameter list look in temp.$$ for details"
   rm -f ./temp.$$
echo me

# Eliminate any duplicate parm definitions. 
# (this is ugly, but we must use awk to get the associative arrays 
#  because the target HP box only has brain dead ksh88) 

alldefs=`echo $validdefs | 
awk '{count=split($0,foo," +");               # split line into parmdefs 
for (i=1;i<=count;i++)                        # for(;;) insures order of parmdefs 
  {                                           # for each parmdef 
    cnt=split(foo[i],bar,"=");                # split into name and value 
    parm[bar[1]]=bar[2];                      # name is key, value is data 
    for (j=3;j<=cnt;j++)                      # loop if equal signs found in value 
       parm[bar[1]]=parm[bar[1]]"="bar[j];    # append additional value 
  }                                           # cmdline parmdef overrides file parmdef 
END { for (k in parm) printf(" -param %s=%s",k,parm[k]); 

do_log "alldefs (before space fix):$alldefs"
alldefs=`echo $alldefs | sed 's/#Space#/ /g'`
do_log "alldefs (after space fix):$alldefs"
export alldefs

# Add the complete command string 

cmdstring="$DSCMDEXE -run -wait -jobstatus -warn 0 $warnparm $alldefs $project $jobname" 

# Execute the command string, capture return code do_log "cmd=$cmdstring" 
do_log "Jobrun command:$cmdstring" 

echo $cmdstring > temp.$$

CommandResults=`. ./temp.$$ 2>&1 `
export CommandResults

rm -f temp.$$

do_log "Result from jobrun command: $CommandResults"

do_log "dsjob rc=$dsrc" 

# Evaluate dsrc, to see if the job ran or not
# EG, job could be locked by other user, or
# been run with a bad parameter value.
if [[ $dsrc -gt 0 && $dsrc -lt 100 ]]
  jobstatus="$(get_jobstat $project $jobname)"
  do_log "Project:$project JobName:$jobname ${jobstatus:-' '}." 
  dsstatus=`echo $jobstatus | sed 's/^.*(\([0-9][0-9]*\)).*$/\1/'` 

echo "dsrc = $dsrc  dssstatus = $dsstatus"
# Evaluate dsstatus, return 0 (OK) or -1 (Fail) 

# -1=Did not run,1=OK, 2=Warnings, 3=Abort, other=Abort 

if [ $dsstatus -eq -1 ] 
elif [ $dsstatus -eq 1 ]
  echo "#==============================================="
  echo ""
  echo ""
  echo ""
  echo ""
  echo "#==============================================="
  do_log "Getting Log contents..." 
  get_dslog $project $jobname 2>&1 | tee  $ScriptPath/../log/$jobname.$DateStarted.log
elif [ $dsstatus -eq 2 ] 
  export REW_CONSOLE=Y
  echo "#==============================================="
  echo ""
  echo ""
  echo ""
  echo ""
  echo "#==============================================="
  do_log "Getting Log contents..." 
  get_dslog $project $jobname 2>&1 | tee  $ScriptPath/../log/$jobname.$DateStarted.log
  export REW_CONSOLE=Y 
  echo "#==============================================="
  echo ""
  echo ""
  echo ""
  echo ""
  echo "#==============================================="
  do_log "Getting Log contents..."
  get_dslog $project $jobname 2>&1  | tee $ScriptPath/../log/$jobname.$DateStarted.log

find $ScriptPath/../log/*.log -mtime +4 -exec rm -f '{}' \;

# Determine if this job should
# report a completion with warnings
# as a normal completion to the 
# calling program
  do_findParm "$ScriptPath/../ini/Ignore_Warnings.dat" "$project_type"
  echo "ValueOfParm = $ValueOfParm"
  if [ "$ValueOfParm" = "Yes" ]
      do_log "This job is set (in $ScriptPath/../ini/Ignore_Warnings.dat) to ignore warnings for the calling program."
     then if [ ${RETCODE:-0} -eq $Warnings ]
  export TEC_RETCODE

Posted: Fri Nov 04, 2011 6:13 am
by chulett
"doesn't work"?

Posted: Fri Nov 04, 2011 7:13 am
by pandeesh
Yes. If the sequence state is stopped/restartable ,I can't run the sequence without that case if I trigger the script,it says the job should be reset before run .
In that case I am not able to maintain the restart ability.
In the case of aborted/restart able it works fine.

Posted: Fri Nov 04, 2011 7:17 am
by chulett
In version 7.x I found the status of "Stopped/Restartable" to be basically a... lie. It isn't restartable. As you've seen, only "Aborted/Restartable" can actually be restarted without Resetting first.

Not sure if that was ever fixed...

Posted: Fri Nov 04, 2011 7:28 am
by shamshad
This is more of a logical design rather than using the tool to get the job done. Once you extract data from source, check what rows doesn't exist in target and only "insert" new rows.

In first run, when you extract 100 rows from source, and all are new, your code will insert all 100 in target.

In second run, (in case first aborted and you don't know what got inserted), if you check which rows are new in target, (if 20 were inserted out of 100), then your job should pick 80 remaining records that will be treated as new.

Ever heard of "delete > insert/update" logic. In most cases you won't delete any rows since job will finish end to end in first shot but in case job aborts "delete will come into play". You can either "delete" existing records or "Updates" existing rows...This is more of a design question and data scenario.

Basics of DBMS. This is tool independent.