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Metadata repository Upgrade

Posted: Mon Jan 11, 2010 12:56 pm
by sivatallapaneni
Currently we are running Information Server 8.1 and MetaData repository is on Oracle version 10.2. We have plans to upgrade our oracle databases to 11g since oracle is stopping security patches.

My question is did anybody in here upgrade their Oracle Metadata repository for Information server? Is 11g supported, what kind of issue I might run into?

Any help on this is really appreciated.

Thank you,

Posted: Mon Jan 11, 2010 1:38 pm
by kandyshandy
yes, we did upgrade Oracle to 11g for Information Server 8.1. We had one issue, i.e. PORT number change. After the upgrade, we were not able to start Information Server. After realizing that the metadata repository port number has changed, we contacted IBM support and they sent us a document with plenty of steps to change the port numbers in many of the files.

If there won't be any port number change, then you may not face any issue.

Posted: Mon Jan 11, 2010 1:45 pm
by sivatallapaneni
Thank you very much for the reply. We are just upgrading the database and port number is not going to change.