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Error Importing MetaData in ProfileStage.

Posted: Wed Jul 12, 2006 11:23 pm
by santhu

I have installed Profilestage on windows box and installed messageswitch and Analysis server on same server. The oracle DB used as the PSDB is also on the same server.

I have set up both System DSNs for Oracle connectivity and Southbreeze (Text driver) on server.

ON the Profilestage client in my PC, I tried importing SouthBreeze Source Metadata into Oracle instance PSDB, but I get the following error.


7/13 10:51:55: NTBOMSAP05\GenOdbc2Mxf: 5039 0 Program GenOdbc2Mxf running. Computer: NTBOMSAP05. Process ID: 3196. Program ID: 34.
7/13 10:51:55: NTBOMSAP05\GenOdbc2Mxf: 5130 0 Unable to connect to database using DSN/service 'PSDB'. Review connection information and correct if needed. Connection error: AccessType: 'ODBC' DSN: 'PSDB' DataManager: 'Oracle' Database: '' LoginUser: 'PSDBADMIN' Server: ''
7/13 10:51:56: NTBOMSAP05\GenOdbc2Mxf: 7 0 Unable to continue. Contact technical support.
7/13 10:51:56: Meta Data Loader Done.
Process halted due to problem(s).

I tried importing metadata directly on the ProfileStage Server and I am getting errors. Log entries are as follows


main::Init: Unable to create Hash2Sql object for table 'SystemConfig':
Hash2Sql::new: Failure on &ExecSQLColumns for table 'SystemConfig':
CoreOdbc::_ExecCatalogFetchAll: Problem encountered during FETCH:

Please help me resolve this issue.

Santhosh S

Posted: Thu Jul 13, 2006 5:19 am
by ray.wurlod
You seem to have neither a database name nor a server name configured for the PSDB.

Posted: Fri Jul 14, 2006 12:50 am
by lstsaur
Hi Santhosh,
Go to Connection Manger>>Repository and do a connection test to make sure you are connected to the repository (PSDB). If failed to connect, then check the status in the TestConnection_2006xxx.log file to see the details.

After that, then do your import>>Load Database Meta Data for SouthBreez. If fails, then you know the Connection Type Source is defined incorrectly. You should use Ascential TextFile driver for SouthBreez.

Posted: Sun Jul 16, 2006 11:43 pm
by santhu
Hi Ray,

I have created PSDB named "PSDB_ORA", and has both the server name and database name configured through the TNSnames.ora file entry. The system DSN created "PSDB_ORA" is working successfully individually.

I went through the ProfileStage log, and looks like that Repository is opening, but error is because of not enough credentials on Systemconfig table under the Oracle PSDB respositoy

Log details are
---------- 7/14 9:53:5 -- ELAPSED: 1.000 sec wall, 0.062 sec cpu ----------
Opening Repository now.

---------- 7/14 9:53:5 -- ELAPSED: 1.000 sec wall, 0.250 sec cpu ----------
Connection was opened to Repository (PSDB).
AccessType: ODBC
DataManager: Oracle
LoginUser: PSADMIN

---------- 7/14 9:53:5 -- ELAPSED: 1.000 sec wall, 0.250 sec cpu ----------
Repository opened.

---------- 7/14 9:53:5 -- ELAPSED: 1.000 sec wall, 0.250 sec cpu ----------
Case sensitivity of the Repository database server is 'Y'.

---------- 7/14 9:53:5 -- ELAPSED: 1.000 sec wall, 0.297 sec cpu ----------
main::Init: Unable to create Hash2Sql object for table 'SystemConfig':
Hash2Sql::new: Failure on &ExecSQLColumns for table 'SystemConfig':
CoreOdbc::_ExecCatalogFetchAll: Problem encountered during FETCH:
------- DBI Result Information -------

SQL State : '22003'
Error Number: '-1'
-- Error text --
[Oracle][ODBC]Numeric value out of range. (SQL-22003)(DBD: st_fetch/SQLFetch err=-1)