DB2 UDB Load Plug-In

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DB2 UDB Load Plug-In

Post by admin »

I'm trying to use the DB2 UDB Load Plug-In to load a sequential file to
a UDB v7.0 database on a Windows 2000 server. I'm using DB2Connect and
we are running DataStage v6.0r3 on a Windows 2000 server as well. I
have reviewed the small amount of documentation and contacted tech
support, but I'm still at a loss. After entering all of the appropriate
information into the properties and running, I received the following
error message:

SQL3508N Error in accessing a file or path of type "MSGFILE" during
load or load query. Reason code: "1". Path:

In addition to helping me troubleshoot this error, can anyone give me
some general helpful hints for using the DB2 UDB Load Plug-In? Is
anyone using this plug-in successfully?

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