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MQ connector stage clarification

Posted: Sat Jun 15, 2013 8:48 am
by vamsi.4a6
MQ connector stage is used to read messages or write messages from Queue.Could anybody please clarify below doubts for MQ connector stage

1)Is there any advantage of reading or writing messages to queue instead of reading or writing from files,tables,xml because so far i worked with these three(files,tables,xml) source systems

2)can any one tell me small pratical Job exampe where queue is necessary which can not implemented by files,tables,xml to understand the importance of queue?

Posted: Sat Jun 15, 2013 10:34 am
by eostic
99.99 % of the time, it's because an existing MQ environment contains source data that is critical to your application.....DataStage isn't dictating the need for MQ vs flat files --- the need for real time and the use of MQ at the site is what is dictating it. Same for targets.......we write to MQ because there is a real-time application "somewhere else" that needs it, not because it is better, or worse, than any alternative. It simply "is".....

That being said, if MQ is already at the account and pertinent for the application, you wouldn't want to have that application write to a file and then read that with DataStage if you can avoid it....far better for DataStage to be listening on the queue to receive a message the instant it arrives.

If the question is "why MQ", I will leave that to many other forums on the web that go into details on not only MQ but messaging in general.


Posted: Sat Jun 15, 2013 11:08 am
by prasson_ibm
We are also using MQ in our project beause it is already used by middleware technologies and we had to plugin DS accoding to customer rqeuirment.
We are recieveing XML events in MQ,which decides which job need to be triggered in datastage. We parse this xml and trigger our job.later we send notification using MQ for status of job run.(Failed or success)

Posted: Sun Jun 16, 2013 6:00 am
by clmhwybe
depends on requirement if for real time and your middle ware layer supports messaging best thing is MQ.