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Handling xml characters in Webservices Stage

Posted: Tue Nov 02, 2010 9:42 am
by jagadam

Iam trying to send the data to webservices using webservices stage.
Can any one let me know how to handle the xml special characters in webservices stage.

I tried to declare DataElement for the field that has xml characters(like &),but that didn't work. I dont have root level field.

When I called the WSDL the wsdl didn't import any root level element.

Is this something that we need to handle it in the WSDL or can we do that in the Webservices Stage.


Posted: Tue Nov 02, 2010 10:36 am
by eostic
Usually, if the Web Services "truly" expects XML in the payload, then you need to do nothing....

In such cases, the WSDL will usually define only a single large varchar or char column..... in it you are supposed to deliver an xml document. Put that document into that column (presumably from somewhere upstream) and the WS Transformer will do the will take care of any escaping that needs to be done as a matter of normal processing when it packages the string into a SOAP envelope [ultimately, on the wire, you will be sending xml inside of xml].

Be sure to test the service using SOAPui or Actional SOAP Tester or any of many free soap testing tools you can find on the web. Then you can validate easily exactly what this service is expecting you to send to it.
