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Multiple Instance of JOb starting...

Posted: Thu Oct 21, 2010 12:48 pm
by kripakarprasad

Here is the scenario that I am facing...

I have 2 jobs JOB1 and JOB2, which have to be published as services S1 and S2 (using ISD).

Service S1 (using JOB1) comes up as expected with only one instance of JOB1 active all the time.

Service S2 (Using JOB2) comes up by bringing up an instance of JOB2 every 2 minutes.

I changed service S2 to use JOB1 and now it looks alright.

Based on this, I think there is an issue with the job, but when I get the multiple instances UP, there is no abort messages and when i UNDEPLOY the service, these multiple instances don't come down automatically and I have to manually handle them.

What could be wrong in the job ..


This is a good entry for the forum, so please enter it there as you look more deeply into it.

Inside of the Info Server Console where you deployed your service, look at the operation and its "performance" tab. Be sure you deployed it with "1" instance.

If it is starting them "every two minutes" then it's likely that they are also aborting every two there is still something wrong in the configuration.

Look at the ds log...see if you have error messages...and if you aren't "using" the services yet, and they are sporadically aborting, then it could be that it's just having problems getting things started (too many processes). How big is your machine?




Based on all the answers and clarifications provided by you, I have finally brought up my qualitystage job as a service that accpets array inputs.

I see that multiple instances of this job are coming up once I deploy it as a service. I am running it on a single node and because the job is a large one, I don't want multiple instances of the job to be coming up.

How can I make sure that oNLY ONE instance of the job starts once i publish it.

In my case, I see an instance starting like every 2 minutes...

Any ideas ...

Posted: Thu Oct 28, 2010 7:38 am
by eostic
Multiple instances and "starting every two minutes" are two different things.......

The only reason it would "start another instance" every two minutes would be because you still are not at the minimum, and ISD needs to start additional ones.

Either that or you have your minimum greater than 1 and your system is really short on resources.

So....first check your Application. MAKE SURE that you have only ONE (1) as the minimum number of instances.

Next, does it ever stabilize? (stop starting more instances)? ...and what happens to the ones that were there? Do they just "go away"? Look at the entry in the Director that doesn't have the long "instance id" appended to it. That's where the summary log info is..... are there any warnings? Abort messages? Fatal?

For debugging and understanding, stop playing with this Job and build a simple job so you can analyze the behavior. That simple Job should have a single WISDInput to Transformer to WISDoutput. Do something simple like "upcase" of a single column in and out. Deploy it. Make sure you see only one Job running. Change the instances, etc.

Lastly, dont even try these things unless you are on 8.1 with FP1. Early 8.x had many issues with Parallel Jobs and ISD.... no assurances, and there might be intermediate fixes, but there certainly were many patches along the way in 8.0.....
