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Loading XML message to MQ Queue

Posted: Wed Aug 27, 2008 4:21 am
by tsktsk123
I created a job to load XML soap message to the queue.

I am extracting data from the table by using Oracle Stage, Using Transformer Stage I am defaulting value for few columns that are not coming from the source table. I have used XML Output stage to convert it to XML message per row. I have used MQ stage to load these XML soap message to MQ. Input rows are 6 in my source table and needs to be loaded as 6 XML soap message to the queue. But the output of the job is loading message per column instead of record (row).

Appreciate greatly any help on this.

Posted: Wed Aug 27, 2008 6:15 am
by eostic
I assume you mean you are getting a complete XML document for each row instead of one single document with 6 elements at its depth? If that's true, are you using the Aggregate option on the output link of your xmlOutput Stage.....? If that's not what is happening, please add more details...

Also, it's a good idea to test first with a sequential file until you get things the way you want....
