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Search For Search

Posted: Sun Mar 05, 2006 3:25 am
by kumar_s
Hi Top posters of Monthly/Weekly/All time,

We all know that, very basic question been asked without even giving a single try on the search. It would be annoying for people who are exploring this site for very long time. We often ask them to search or provide a link which leads them to the Search page.
It is also found that these question would be mostly asked by new user of Dsxchange. It is done because,
1. May not know that there is a facility for search.
2. Could not get result from the search.
3. Could not get quality result from serch.
4. Lazy to search. 8)
I try to make a serch on some topic, i could find all the recent topic would ask me serach again for the same topic. So i often go to some older pagess. So all who advise the posters to search can atleast give one valuble point before asking them to serach or give a link to a quality post.
Alternatively the new joinees can be alerted to use the Serach facility exensively. But we cant help the one who comes under 4th catagory :evil:

Posted: Sun Mar 05, 2006 4:02 am
by roy
One of the methods to deal with such posts would be adding a link to another topic with valid info

Another method might be to simply remove such posts (where a question is answered with only a use search notation).

The best method, IMHO, would be having the original poster post a final follow up with the solution to their issue.

I can arrange a poll (where on earth I came up with this idea :roll: :wink: )
The question remains who will gather the topics we need to handle?
If your waiting on me to go over the posts like I did with moved topics you might need to wait a while till it is done.

I'm open to ideas (using search for "use search" already came to mind :wink: )

Posted: Sun Mar 05, 2006 4:32 am
by kumar_s
Yes, if it is absolutely identified that, if the same question has been answered several time, an link can be given to one of some earliar post and the current post can be marked for deletetion. Later can be deleted.
For any further query, the relevant earliar post can be followed up and comments can be given in that.

It may not be possible if all the post should wait for one person to login for move or deletion. Why cant an option be created for marking as 'moved' or 'deleted' be enabled for all of the 'Inner Circles'. And the particular post can be moved or deleted automatically after certain predefied time/days, if it was left unclaimed.

So that this forum can hold well digested, clean posts.

Posted: Sun Mar 05, 2006 4:59 pm
by vmcburney
The search on this site is becoming increasingly hard to use as duplicate threads get added. I remember doing a search for things like mutex timeout and having twenty threads to wade through before finding the answer. I would like to see a button visible on threads that indicate an answer resolved the original problem. The search would then return answers with the highest resolution rate.

There must be some way to rank search results so the most useful threads appear first.