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Annoying Existential Log-in Conundrum

Posted: Sun Nov 19, 2006 2:57 pm
by whardeman
I'm sure a number of you have had this experience.

You're browsing the the DSXchange or reading your email. You see a link to a DSXchange thread. You think this link might have an answer to your problem, or possibly just some useful information. Your eyes gleam in anticipation of reading the delicious tidbit of Ray's or Craig's or _______'s wisdom. You are one with your mouse. You click the link. Woops, forgot to log in first. Right. You log in. Your mouth waters at the thought of fixing this bug and going to lunch early or just getting home once this project is completed. And then, the unthinkable happens...

"The topic or post you requested does not exist"

How could it be linked if it isn't there? How can a post both exist and not exist? What is with those screwy web guys...well, that one screwy web DSXchange? Can't he/they make the links work right?


The Annoying Existential Log-in Conundrum Beast has been slain by the loyal DSXchange code-gnomes. No longer should it trouble you with having to re-click a link. Now, logging in to read the vast treasures of our site does not offer up an excuse, a rejection, a lie.

Just read the topic you clicked on. That's it.
